Islam is the best religion

Islam is the religion of Allah which was favored by the slaves, and does not accept the other slaves; Allah said:"Verily, only Islam is the Din (Religion) before Allah"(Al-imran-19) Allah said another place of Quran: And whoso will desire for a religion other than Islam that shall never be accepted from him and in the next world he shall be among the losers. "(Al-imran-85) Islam, however, refuses to enter a forced or compelled it, but to engage in Islam should be the choice and voluntarily, Almighty Allah said: There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; (Baqarah: 256) And Allah said to His Prophet S.: And if your Lord had willed, all those who are in the earth would have believed together. Will you, then force people until they become Muslims?

But the concept of rights under Islamic law include the Muslim and non-Muslim, and then the law which is mercy and justice are ensured for all non-Muslims the right to a decent living in a Muslim country, and preserved their right to Life, freedom of religion, and peaceful Muslims are at peace they have the peace and security and justice in their treatment.
Non-Muslims in the State of Islam have all the civil rights guaranteed to them by honoring the divine in man says: And no doubt, We honored the children of Adam and got them ride in the land and sea and provided them with clean things and preferred them over many of Our creations. (Isra:70)
These categories:
Repository:They are entering the homes of Muslims for tourism, commerce or science or receiving treatment or other human interests, and those - in Islam - the complete security and full care of their rights unless they vacate the state security or attack the children or commit acts of exposing them for accountability and punishment. and here it should be noted that because Islam is keen on a peaceful and open the door safe to cooperate with the other, did not make it right to give security for the lessee - student safety - a moratorium on the state, but its power is allowed for members of the Muslim Ummah (generation) to give security to those who like to expect good faith and integrity.
Destination in the request to enter the land of Muslims, on terms set by the scholars who may give security, including that the Muslim world in the sense of adult of sound mind 'a security' and the consequent rights and duties.
It should also be noted that the 'repository' applied to him during his stay in the lands of Islam, the provisions of his law is, in relation to religious matters.
Dhimmi: They are non-Muslims who live under the rule of Islam, have a row of Islam, they are Muslims and they are Muslims, there may be a j aggression practiced them, but be the basis for dealing with them Is righteousness and justice, the rights of these.
1. The right of non-Muslims to hold religious faith. And so it is not forced them to change it - because of coercion in religion does not make believers. Almighty Allah: There is no compulsion in religion (Al-Baqarah: 256)
Prohibition on coercion in religion, in being in the right of every human being, not to be compelled to change the belief of both the people of the book, or from others, or even those who have no religion.
Ibn Kaseer said in the interpretation of this verse: «Do not hate anyone to enter in Islam as a religion and is suitable for a clear encroachment on human nature, it is to explain God's chest and opened his eyes entered the choice.
2. The sanctity of the attack on the souls of non-Muslims, honor and property. In this, the Messenger peace be upon him: the killing of treaties is a breath not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance there from a distance of forty years.
Also may not attack the honor and property. Being attacked by Muslims considered him a thief, and become obligatory upon the death of theft, and if attacked to some non-Muslim be punished under the law.
3. The legality of visiting the people of other faiths, visiting the sick of them. This object of 'righteousness' tastier it came in verse Sura' Mumtahinah and the Prophet peace be upon him also do so as it was narrated from Anas ibn Malik May Allah be pleased with him - said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him served by a Jewish boy, came to disease of the Prophet S. Visiting the sick him served , sat at his head and said to him: he becomes Muslim. looked at the boy to his father and asked him if he was present said to him, what his father says: Obey Abu'l-Qasim. He became Muslim boy. He said peace be upon him: Praise be to God who saved him from the fire.
They may also be a clinic as well as congratulate them on their patient may be social events such as marriage or the return of absent or so.
In sum, in the treatment of non-Muslims: Whatever type of non-Muslim citizen of the People of the Book, or coming to a Muslim country for tourism, or treatment, or the embassy or other, whatever the positions of non-Muslims from Islam, the origin of the relationship of Islam to non-Muslims is peace to the following:
1: Because of this religion that rejects violence in a j deal with people, but provides an alternative for is kindness, and good word, and call for wisdom, and argue with what is best, as it is fixed in the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet S. and the behavior of his companions and his successors adults. Which has had its impact on the spread of Islam.
2: While Muslims are forced to defend themselves and their symptoms and their money and are committed to their faith commandments Prophet S. and his successors, there are those who can not bear arms than boys, women and elders and monks.
3: Kindness and compassion are the general direction and it is ordered by the Muslims in their dealings with people, but even with the dumb animals, and birds, insects - where Islam is the kindness in all things is the path of goodness, it is a good all as the Messenger peace be upon him: the campus of kindness campus good or is deprived of kindness is deprived of goodness.

Has been the spread of Islam and the entry of Eastern and South-East Asia where the best witness to that, where not directed to them the nation's armies, not the Muslims entered them in the fight, but entered it by example not by traders Muslims delicious yen went to the country.
The people saw them as a model. Do not deceive, do not cheat, nor significant j on the sanctity of people, they came in Islam without swords, and spears, and without coercion, and pressure, were his followers to this day.
